The Best Life Insurance Policies For Different Life Stages

Life insurance is crucial at all stages of your life. The team at Brokers Insurance Agency, serving Lincoln, NE, encourages you to carry life insurance to protect your loved ones and provide peace of mind.

Securing Coverage in Your 20s and 30s

The optimal time to secure coverage is when you are in your 20s and 30s, as policies are more affordable. Locking in a low premium when you are young and healthy can save thousands of dollars over the long term. If you die unexpectedly, this coverage can cover student loans, credit card debt, and other financial responsibilities.

Ensuring Family Protection in Your 30s and 40s

As you age, get married, buy a house, and have children, life insurance ensures your family can maintain their lifestyle, cover mortgage payments, and fund future expenses like college tuition. You might consider increasing coverage during this stage of your life to reflect more financial commitments.

Building Wealth and Planning Legacy in Your 40s and 50s

Your financial responsibilities shift from raising your children to preparing for retirement. Life insurance serves as a wealth-building tool and a safety net for your family. If you pass away, it will help cover outstanding debts, medical expenses, and estate taxes.

Leaving a Legacy in Your 60s and Beyond

When it’s time to retire, and most of your major obligations are behind you, life insurance will cover your final expenses, provide an inheritance for your family, and assist you with estate planning.

Secure Your Life Insurance Coverage Today

Life insurance is much more than preparing for the unexpected. It’s about protecting your loved ones and enjoying peace of mind at every stage of your life. Contact Brokers Insurance Agency serving the Lincoln, NE area today.

Why every small business should protect itself with commercial insurance

Small businesses constitute more than 99% of all businesses. Large businesses are more likely to survive the calamities that strike all businesses and have the necessary resources to recover. Good commercial insurance helps level the playing field for small businesses. At Brokers Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE, we are here to help ensure that your small business has the commercial insurance it needs.

As a business owner, you need to anticipate all the things that can and will go wrong. Many things can jeopardize your small business, whether it’s a natural disaster or an artificial one. Certain types of commercial insurance can benefit all small businesses.

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance is more comprehensive than real estate property insurance. It combines coverage of the physical building and its contents. This offers protection to those who are renting their locations as well as those who own them. It also covers all the things you use to do business. Depending on your business, this can include inventory, machinery, raw materials, display units, electronics, and more.

Commercial Liability Insurance

This may be the most important insurance, as getting sued at some point is almost a certainty, and many small businesses cannot survive a legal action without liability insurance.

Commercial Business Interruption Insurance

When something happens to disrupt your business, it can be hard to survive with no income. If you suffer a business interruption, business interruption insurance will provide the money you need to pay bills and meet payroll.

Don’t wait another day. Contact our team at Brokers Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE, to discuss your small business’s commercial insurance needs.

The Liability Protection in Your Home Policy

Home insurance policies encompass various coverages to mitigate the various risks homeowners face. One type of coverage included in this policy is liability protection, a powerful way to safeguard yourself and your assets. If you’re looking for home insurance, contact us at Brokers Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE.

The Importance of Liability Coverage

There are many potential hazards in your home and on your property. If someone outside your household gets injured on your property, you would be liable for paying for all the damages they incur. Accidents can happen even in the safest homes and can result in substantial bills, including medical bills, lost wages, and any legal costs that arise during the case. The liability insurance in your home policy can cover these bills, preventing you from having to pay out of pocket.

Protecting Your Assets

Large bills can put your assets at risk if you’re uninsured. You might need to sell your home to pay for substantial medical, legal, and lost wage bills. To ensure your assets are safe, always maintain a home insurance policy.

Securing Home Insurance in Nebraska

If you need a home policy or want to change your current one, contact us today at Brokers Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE.

How to Take a Beneficiary Off Life Insurance

Life can take unexpected turns. Perhaps a relationship has soured, or a family member has made poor decisions. In such cases, you might find yourself considering the removal of someone from your life insurance policy.

Understanding the Process

While removing someone from an insurance policy is possible, remember that the former beneficiary can contest your decision. Your case will be stronger if you are of sound mind and body. Also, ensure you are not violating any court orders while making the revocation. First, determine whether the person in question is a revocable or irrevocable beneficiary. An irrevocable beneficiary cannot be removed without their consent. You might be unable to remove a spouse from your life insurance until the divorce is finalized. Also, if your insurance policy conflicts with your will, an executor will override the policy in favor of the will. This means you must keep your current will to reflect your life insurance policy. Remember, nothing can be changed after you are deceased.

Brokers Insurance Agency: Serving Lincoln, NE

Life changes. People divorce, remarry, have children, adopt, or take on stepchildren. In any case, you’ll need a suitable life insurance policy for these people. If you are in the Lincoln, NE area and are in the life insurance market, please get in touch with Brokers Insurance Agency. We will connect you with a knowledgeable and courteous agent who will do all they can to help you find the best policy suited to you and your unique needs.

Why my home business needs commercial insurance

Basing your business in your home is a very attractive option. It allows you to avoid paying rent for an office or for storage of business equipment. At Brokers Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE, we know that businesses face many risks, and we work with our customers to mitigate as many risks as possible.

Property Coverage

Your home property insurance coverage provides for the physical building of your home. Commercial property insurance takes the place of both property insurance and contents. Home insurance also has content coverage, but it is designed to cover what would generally be in your home. It is not designed to cover business property. You could end up having very little in the way of coverage from your home insurance. It might cover a desk and some office equipment, but it isn’t going to replace lost inventory or your records. Commercial property insurance provides all the coverage you require.

Liability Coverage

Liability coverage is a serious area when it comes to running a business out of your home. While your home insurance has liability coverage for people who visit your home, it doesn’t cover those who visit your home for business purposes. You could lose your home if you don’t have the right insurance coverage, not to mention your business. Commercial liability coverage will provide all the protection you need.

Business Interruption Insurance

When your business cannot operate, your bills still need to be paid. Your home insurance won’t be of any help to you. If you have business interruption insurance, it will provide the cash you need to hold you over until your business is up and operating again.

Contact Brokers Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE when you need to discuss commercial insurance benefits for your home business.

Homeowners Insurance Covers Liability For Accidents When Guests Visit Your Home

Understanding Homeowners Insurance and Liability Coverage

Your homeowner’s insurance covers more than hazards like fire, theft, and vandalism. If someone is injured on your property, it can provide liability coverage to prevent loss from lawsuits. At Brokers Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE, we provide the homeowners insurance coverage you need.

Common Types of Home Accidents

Accidents are common in home settings, and any guest may be subject to injury from an incident. Falls are among the most common injuries that occur at home. A guest may fall down interior stairs or trip on an area rug, injuring themselves. Electrical shocks can also occur in the home. Cuts from sharp edges on items in the house are a common injury. A guest may be injured by a cooking injury or from an outdoor barbecue grill. Construction materials or landscaping can fall and injure a guest. These situations can lead to liability against the homeowner.

Liability Coverage Covers Guests While They Are Visiting

The personal liability coverage in your homeowner’s policy covers accidents that might occur to your guests. This feature would cover injuries to overnight guests or individuals invited to your house for a party or other gathering. If a lawsuit claiming negligence occurs, the liability portion of your insurance will be available to defray the cost of the suit.

Make Brokers Insurance Agency Your Agent For Homeowners Insurance

Our experienced agents can answer your questions to help you understand the liability coverage and other features your policy provides. We offer various auto, life, boats, recreational vehicles, and business insurance policies. Contact Brokers Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE, for a no-obligation quote on homeowners insurance that will protect you against liability losses.

Three Reasons to Store Your RV in a Shelter or Garage

If you’re an RV owner, you want your recreational vehicle to last for years to come. In between your traveling adventures, finding a safe and secure storage place for your RV is crucial. While you could park it in your yard, storing it in a shelter presents many benefits. Here are three reasons why you may want to consider storing your RV in a shelter.

1. Protecting the Exterior

If you live in or around Lincoln, NE, you’re well aware of the harsh winters, complete with snow, ice, and frigid temperatures. Not to mention the damaging effects of prolonged sun exposure, which can eventually cause rust. Protecting your RV from environmental damage via a storage shelter will reduce maintenance and aid in maintaining quality air control inside your RV.

2. Safeguarding the Interior

Leaving your RV exposed to the elements can welcome pests and insects seeking shelter from the weather, ultimately causing damage to the interior of your RV. Storage in a shelter substantially reduces the risk of internal damage from these pests and prevents sun damage, leading to faded and cracked interiors.

3. Increased Security

As an RV owner, you wouldn’t want to deal with the stress of vandalism or theft. Storing your RV in a shelter or a designated storage area significantly minimizes security risks. Some locations offer climate-controlled spaces equipped with security systems, providing access monitoring to your unit. Whether the shelter is on your property or off-site, ensuring it remains securely locked is key.

If you’re in or around the Lincoln, NE area and are seeking more information on RV insurance, contact our agents at Brokers Insurance Agency today.

Claiming for Theft of Your Motorcycle Within the Insurance Policy

Discovering that your motorcycle has been stolen can be a stressful experience around Lincoln, NE, but motorcycle insurance is the best start to help you recover from the financial loss. Understanding how to file a theft claim properly increases the chances of adequate compensation.

Reporting the Theft to Authorities

The moment you realize your motorcycle has been stolen, your first action should be to file a police report about the incident to the police. When filing the report, provide the police with detailed information about your motorcycle, including its make, model, and unique identifying features.

Notifying Your Insurance Company

After filing the police report, promptly contact your insurance provider to report the theft. Insurance policies often have strict time limits for reporting claims, so acting quickly is essential. When speaking with your insurer, please provide them with the police report and other requested details. You’ll also need proof of ownership, such as the title, registration, and purchase documents.

Working with the Insurance Adjuster

When the adequate documents are handed over, the insurance company will provide a claims adjuster to handle your case. The adjuster will overlook the case, review your claim, check the provided documentation, and request additional information to confirm the theft. The check received will consist of the value of your motorcycle and the specifics of your policy.

Completing the Claim Process

After the adjuster’s evaluation, your insurer will process your claim and offer a settlement. After the policyholder and the insurance company agree on a price, they will issue the payment, helping you recover from the financial impact of the theft.

Brokers Insurance Agency Is The Go-To Insurance Company

Brokers Insurance Agency offers its expertise in insurance needs. We serve the surrounding areas of Lincoln, Nebraska. Call today.

How is the Value of Your Boat Determined?

Insuring your boat requires understanding its value. Insurance companies consider several factors, including the boat’s model, age, and condition. At Brokers Insurance Agency, located in Lincoln, NE, we provide boat insurance.

Types of Policies

Understanding the different types of insurance policies is crucial before discussing how your boat is valued. An actual cash value policy will pay you the current value of your boat if it’s totaled.

Replacement cost is usually obtainable for newer boats. If your boat is totaled, you’ll receive the amount it costs to replace your boat with a brand-new one.

The most common type of policy is agreed value. An agreed value policy entails settling on the value of the boat at the start of the policy. If your boat is totaled, you’ll receive this settled amount, regardless of the boat’s current market value.

Type of Boat

Undoubtedly, the type of boat greatly affects its value. Typically, boats equipped with larger motors and more features are more valuable than simpler models.

Age and Condition

A boat’s age and condition significantly impact its value. Usage damage devalues your boat, as does aging over time.

Location and Demand

Different areas have different boat prices; some areas are more expensive than others are. Additionally, high demand can increase the value of your boat.

Marine Survey

A marine survey conducted by a third party provides a detailed report and a valuation of your boat based on multiple factors.

Boat Insurance at Brokers Insurance Agency

If you require boat insurance in Lincoln, NE, contact us at Brokers Insurance Agency. Our knowledgeable agents will discuss your insurance needs and assist you in choosing the right policy.

Classic Car Insurance vs. Traditional Auto Insurance Basics for Motorists

There’s nothing better than driving your classic car along Lincoln, NE scenic roads and basking in the picturesque scenery found along local highways and byways. 

The insurance experts at Brokers Insurance Agency provide some insights into the differences between classic car insurance and traditional auto insurance. 

Traditional Auto Insurance Basics

Traditional car insurance covers new and used cars for liability claims made by drivers who incur property damage or medical expenses due to at-fault account claims. Liability coverage doesn’t offer any protections for repairing or replacing your damaged vehicle. 

Comprehensive and Collision Offers Extended Coverages for Lincoln NE Drivers 

Comprehensive and collision insurance are optional add-ons that extend your coverage to include collision-related accidents, thefts, vandalism, and damages caused by natural disasters. 

Classic Car Insurance vs. Traditional Auto Insurance 

The primary difference between classic car insurance and traditional car insurance is policy value. 

Most traditional car insurance policies are based on your vehicle’s year, make, and model, driving history, and age. 

Vintage Car Insurance Equals More Value

Classic car insurance holders have specialty coverage that protects their vehicle for its agreed-upon vintage value rather than its age. 

Vintage car owners who opt for traditional insurance may find that their coverage lacks the specific details needed to keep their classic beauties in top shape. 

Get a Classic Car Insurance Quote in Nebraska! 

Talk to the licensed and knowledgeable agents at Brokers Insurance Agency to learn more about insurance coverage for vintage autos, accessories, and related parts. 

Say goodbye to driving your classic car with inadequate insurance when you contact a licensed agent at our office for a quote today!