Auto Vs. Truck Insurance: Is There Any Difference?

Nebraska drivers will want to choose an auto insurance policy with care. This means not only purchasing adequate coverage but also making sure you have the right policy for your vehicle.

What’s Covered by Auto Insurance?

Nebraska law stipulates that you must purchase adequate auto insurance. A basic policy must include $50,000 per accident in bodily injury liability coverage and $25,000 per accident in property damage liability coverage. It must also include bodily injury coverage for uninsured and underinsured motorists with limits that match the policies mentioned above. At the same time, auto owners are free to purchase additional forms of coverage, such as comprehensive auto insurance. 

What’s Covered by Truck Insurance?

The key difference between car and truck insurance is the purpose for which you use a vehicle. For instance, a regular auto insurance policy can cover your pick-up truck if you only use the truck for personal travel. If you use it for any commercial work, you’ll need to purchase a commercial truck insurance policy. Commercial work doesn’t include traveling to and from your job, but it does include traveling to meet clients or even occasionally transporting goods to a local market. It also includes coverage for an employee driving your truck. Basic coverage offers the same level of protection as an auto policy. However, you can add various forms of coverage to suit your needs. For instance, if you transport expensive items, you may want coverage for your goods to ensure you’ll receive compensation if items are lost or stolen.

Get Help from Brokers Insurance Agency

Brokers Insurance Agency can assess your situation and help you ensure that you’re taking out the right policy for your vehicle. Contact us to find out more or to get a quote on the policy of your choice.

Why basic auto insurance may not be the right choice

Basic auto insurance is what the state says you need to carry. It varies from state to state. In Nebraska, it is 25/50/25 and 25/50. What this all means is something we at Brokers Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE make it our responsibility to inform our customers of and make sure they have the appropriate coverage. 

The required insurance is liability coverage and underinsured or uninsured coverage. You must have $25,000 for injuries to one person and $50,000 for all accident injuries, and $25.000 for property damage. You also need to protect yourself and any passengers in your vehicle from medical injuries or lost time resulting from under-insured or uninsured motorists. This is $25,000 for one and $50,000 for all injuries or lost time. 

But what about your car if you are the responsible party? Can you afford to repair or replace it? If the answer is no, then you need to consider additional coverage. 


Collision covers damage to your car if you are responsible for the accident, are the victim of a hit and run, or are an uninsured or underinsured driver. 


Comprehensive coverage protects your vehicle from several different hazards, including theft, vandalism, flooding, high winds, and hail, just to name a few. 

Roadside assistance

If you break down and need to be towed, have a flat tire, or lock yourself out of your vehicle, having roadside assistance will mean that someone will come to help you. 

Gap coverage

When you buy a new vehicle, it loses value as soon as it leaves the showroom. This will guarantee you will have enough coverage to pay off your loan. 

To learn if basic auto insurance is the right choice for you, give our team at Brokers Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE a call today. 

Benefits of Full Coverage Auto Insurance in Lincoln, NE

As a Nebraska driver, you may wonder if full coverage auto insurance is worth the investment. After all, it can be expensive. But there are some definite benefits to having full coverage insurance, especially if you live in Lincoln. Here are just a few of the advantages of full coverage auto insurance in Lincoln:

You Have a Vehicle Loan

If you have a loan on your vehicle, your lender will require you to have full coverage insurance. This is because they want to make sure you protect their investment in case of an accident. Full coverage auto insurance will pay for damages to your car no matter who is at fault in an accident. This can be a tremendous relief if you are ever in an accident and your vehicle is totaled.

You Have a Lease

If you lease your vehicle, you will also be required to have full coverage insurance. Like with a loan, your leasing company wants to make sure they protect their investment in case of an accident. Like a comprehensive auto loan policy, full coverage auto insurance will pay for damages to your car no matter who is at fault in an accident.

A Brokers Insurance Agency representative can help you find the best full coverage insurance policy to meet your needs and budget.

You Drive in Hazardous Conditions

You know our winters can be brutal if you live in Lincoln, NE. And even though we don’t get a lot of snow, the roads can still be icy and dangerous. If you have full coverage auto insurance, you will be covered if you have an accident, even due to weather. This can give you peace of mind when driving under hazardous conditions.

A Brokers Insurance Agency representative can help you find the best full coverage insurance policy to meet your needs and budget. Contact us today for a quote.

Auto insurance tips for new drivers in Lincoln, NE

Auto Insurance Tips for New Drivers in Lincoln, NE

Whether it’s your first or 50th car, you need to seriously consider buying adequate car insurance to protect you financially in case of accidents. However, before settling for any policy in Lincoln, NE, Richards Insurance Agency recommends learning a few buying tips to get the most out of your policy. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Shop Around

With so many insurance companies coming up, don’t just pick the big names, especially if you’re a new driver. Walk around and enquire from different companies to compare quotes. Many companies often welcome new drivers by giving them offers. While your rates will definitely be higher, you can still secure a good deal with your budget. Don’t forget to ask about offers, terms, and other requirements.

Study Your Policy

Before signing any document, make sure you understand everything written on your policy. If you have challenges with auto insurance jargon, an insurance agent should help explain to you what is not clear. Learn how the policy works, your coverages, limits, and the process of filing insurance claims and other insurance laws in Lincoln, NE.

Determine Your Insurance Needs

The Nebraska law requires you to carry minimum property damage and bodily injury liability, but that doesn’t mean you stop there. What happens when you are hit by an insured driver? You will probably need other coverages to protect you while on the roads, such as collision coverage and medical payments coverage.

Have a Safe Vehicle

Your insurance company will want to know everything about your car. The model, age, body, and engine size determine whether your premiums will go up or down. Therefore, be sure to get a safe accident-free vehicle.

For more information about auto insurance buying tips, contact Richards Insurance Agency.

Why should I carry collision and comprehensive auto insurance

The state of Nebraska requires drivers to carry basic liability insurance. They mandate that you have $25,000 in personal injury or death for each person in an accident with a total of $50,000 per accident. Additionally, you must have $25,000 for damage to personal property. This is a fundamental amount of coverage. If you lease a vehicle or have an auto loan, your lender or lessor will require that you have additional coverage to protect the car that they have a vested interest in. When it comes to covering your vehicle, it is good to have an agent to discuss what is important to you. The Richards Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE will be here for you when you are ready to discuss what coverage you want and need.

As to why you should carry collision and comprehensive auto insurance, it covers your vehicle in the event it is damaged or stolen. If your car has significant value or is valuable enough that it would be hard for you to replace it out of your own pocket, having this kind of coverage makes all the difference. Most people count on their vehicles to do pretty much everything. Unless you live downtown in a city, it can be challenging to get to work, go shopping, and to do all the things one normally does every day. The cost of auto repairs can be quite prohibitive, and have the cash or credit available can be difficult. 

If your vehicle is damaged, you will be provided with a rental car until the repairs have been completed. This can make going about the business of daily life much more comfortable and convenient—another good reason to carry collision and comprehensive coverage. 

If you would like to discuss your auto coverage, The Richards Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE is looking forward to helping you. Call our office or stop by and we will provide a no-obligation quote. 

How to Save on Your Auto Insurance in Nebraska

Do you want to know how you can save money on auto insurance in Lincoln, NE? There are many tricks and tips for you to do just that. A reputable insurance company like Richards Insurance Agency can help you understand how it all works.

Give Complete Information

When you fill out an online form or call to get a quote, make sure you’re giving all the information needed and that it is correct. Your premium quote will reflect the details you provide so you don’t want to do it halfway.

Establish Solid Credit History

Insurance agencies often use credit information in order to determine the price of an auto insurance policy. Since research tends to show that individuals who manage their credit well have fewer claims, do your best to have a good credit rating. It’s in your best interest to check your record often. If you see any errors, correct them right away.

Ask About Discounts

Though not every company offers insurance discounts and not at all times, it’s a good idea to check anyway. You may find that the agency has discounts for a good student driver under the age of 25 if there are two or more drivers on the policy, and if you have home insurance or some other type of insurance bundled together with your auto insurance.

Keep Your Driving Record Clean

Many companies charge lower insurance rates to people who are considered safe drivers, that is they have no violations or at-fault accidents. There are different guidelines within each insurance agency to determine the price in this instance.

If you’re hesitant to ask these questions and want to find out if you qualify for a lower insurance rate, contact Richards Insurance Agency today. An agent can discuss if you’re eligible for a lower rate based on certain circumstances for your Lincoln, NE insurance.